We recently got back from a visit to Washington state and up to Canada. Upon our return to Mexico, it was time to plant the mango trees we had ordered in the spring. A local friend generously offered for Jesse to use his auger to drill holes in the ground for the trees. Jesse hooked it up to his tractor and away he went, up and down the rows.
A local field worker helped by adding bug repellent pebbles to the holes to protect the trees from termites and other insects. As he finished, our whole family went to work taking the black plastic from the plan nursery off of the roots, adding the trees to the holes, and finally filling in the holes. We had to work in the early morning or late afternoon as much as possible to avoid the heat. The kids were excited to help, and loved riding the tractor with Jesse. It made for some great memories! In the end, we planted 895 mango trees together. We will have them grafted with the variety of our choice in the summer of 2020. Lord willing, they will start producing mangoes in about three years. We plan to sell the fruit locally to markets and dehydrators to help offset the ongoing costs of running the discipleship and trades program.