We hope to provide student housing right on the property grounds. This will allow us to care for our students better and provide space for studying God’s Word and practical skills in a conveniently close area. God has provided a excellent property of almost 17 acres ( 6.8 hectares) with enough space for student housing, study spaces, a welding & fabrication shop for practicing in, and a house for our own family. We are so thankful for the many who have supported this effort in the purchase of this space. It is our prayer that this property will be a blessing to many for God’s glory.
It has been a couple of years working on building plans and we are almost certain that we are close to the final drawings. Below are a few computer renderings of the floor plan so far.
(Use the left and right arrows to see all the images or click on the dots below.)
As of February, 2020, we have designed the student housing to serve as their sleeping and living space, and also their study space. Its exterior dimensions measure at 40 x 40 feet (approximately 12.2 x 12.2 meters), making the entire house roughly 1,600 square feet (approximately 148.65 square meters). There are two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room area, dining, kitchen, and laundry area. Each room can sleep up to four men comfortably, up to eight in the house under normal circumstances. We plan to start with a small number of students first, between two and four, and use the second bedroom as a classroom –shown in the computer renderings above and the floor plan drawing below. We decided on an open floor plan concept to be able to move the furniture easily as needed in the event that we host more people during conference weekends and such.
Now we are in the process of getting these plans reviewed by an architect to be sure that these will function and serve our students well. We are also continuing to prepare the ground where this will be built, Lord willing.