Mission Statement:
To equip our youth with spiritually focused, God-centered tools to live life well as faithful disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We, Jesse and Emily Klein, have been prayerfully working towards building this mission, His Workmanship Academy since 2017. Over the years, we have had the privilege of coming alongside young Christian men and women to support and encourage then in their spiritual growth. We have seen firsthand how active and thoughtful discipleing and encouraging of young believers in Christ supports the spiritual edification of these young people, the building up of local churches, and the furtherance of His kingdom in gospel and ministry efforts. His Workmanship Academy aims to serve God by serving and guiding those who seek to live out their lives for Him — in all capacities of life.
The Lord has shown us the need for actively fostering disciples of our young believers here in Mexico in this way. We officially started classes in August 2022, renting a warehouse/office space to host Bible studies and conduct trade training classes such as welding, carpentry, masonry, electrical, and plumbing.
We see renting as temporary and seek the Lord’s guidance and support through His people to build a permanent location to host this program. We have finalized building designs for student housing and learning environments and would like to build these facilities on permanent property in our area.
We aim to cultivate a community of committed followers of Christ and His commands that are eager to serve Him by serving others. Some specific ways include sharing the gospel with lost souls, and exercising the talents God gives each one to edify and support other believers for His glory. Ministering to others and sharing the gospel with local communities is our regular practice as a group, and this is an essential part of living out Christ in our lives.
This program is meant to serve Spanish-speaking brothers in Christ between 18-30 years of age from all around Mexico. We have started with three students in our local area to start the program in 2022. These students profess to be saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and desire to honor Christ with their lives. They are have been willing to make the time and financial commitment to learn — all for the Glory of God. This year, 2024, we have paused classes for a time to reevaluate a new schedule that would work well for future students and our current ministry work as full time missionaries.
Ultimately, we aspire to serve Christ and bring honor and glory to Him. To be a disciple of Christ is a fundamental and intimate privilege we have been given as children of God, bought with the blood of Jesus. Christ is our Savior, our Guide, and so much more! We aspire to inspire and encourage daily enjoyment of the Lord in His presence through reading His Word, personal prayer and meditation, learning and practicing practical ways to minister to others, sharing the gospel, and having a good testimony in our community for the Lord. We seek to inspire and radiate Christ to our families, churches, and place of employment. We may not be of this world, but we must live in it.
Vocational and financial training are also important aspects of serving and teaching the whole believer. We seek to equip young believers with knowledge and experience in physical trades and financial management in the home and business to encourage economic stability, so they will not be dependent on handouts and job jumping. We endeavor to teach and practice what it means to be a disciple of the Lord in life and the workplace (as an employee or employer).