2022 Summary Update

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. –Matthew 11:28

Our family have been well. The Lord has blessed us with 3 children and another one on the way, due in February 2023. Anaya is 9 years old, Matthew is 6, and Jonathan is 3.

The Assembly in Santiago where we serve the most, has had its ups and downs but we have been enjoying looking back and seeing spiritual growth and maturity over the year.

We regularly attend and participate in the meetings of the local assembly in Santiago Ixcuintla — The Lord’s Supper, Sunday School, Bible Reading, and Gospel meeting on Sundays, Ministry meeting on Wednesdays, and Bible study on Fridays. We are encouraged with the spiritual growth of many of the believers and several additional children attending the Sunday School over the year. Everyone seems to be enjoying getting back into regular in-person meetings from the previous year of local COVID restrictions.

Every other Monday, Jesse and a local brother or two share the gospel in the small town of El Borrego (1.5 hours away). On the alternate Mondays, two or three Christian brothers from Tepic share the gospel there as well. There is no local assembly established yet but we are encouraged by the faithfulness of the families in this area to hear the gospel weekly.

The local assembly in Tepic (1 hour away) continues to be a testimony for the Lord. It has seen some growing numbers as well as the faithful brothers and sisters continuing on. We visit several times a year to support the local gospel and ministry work and visit with the believers. (Photo of visiting a couple sisters from Tepic)

In January, we started renting a warehouse/office space to use for His Workmanship academy. There was a bit of work to get it set up so Jesse installed electricity, internet, and cleared the overgrown brush. It would be several months until we were able to start classes but we made good progress.

In March, we were visited by Rachel P. and her four children. Unfortunately her husband wasn’t able to join them on that trip. They were in the area visiting family in Rosa Morada, a small town about 45 minutes away from where we live. We had the opportunity to visit Rachel’s in-laws one afternoon and had the privilege of sharing the gospel with them. We also gave them gospel literature and a Bible. Rachel and her children were in the area for a few weeks so they were able to attend many of our local meetings and get to know the Christians a bit.

In May, Paul T. (full time worker from Guadalajara) visited us to share in ministry for three nights. We and the local Christians were encouraged as he expounded on our three enemies — the world, Satan, and the flesh. He and Jesse were also able to visit several of the Christians in their homes while he was here.

Also in May, we were delighted to see three baptized — Axel, Alondra, and Marta. There were a few of their family members and friends who also witnessed their testimony that we don’t normally see come out to the meetings. We pray these young Christians will continue to grow in the Lord and be a light to their communities.

His Workmanship Academy

In August, we were very excited to start classes with three local young brothers in Christ — officially starting His Workmanship Academy. Jesse and the guys take an hour for studying the Bible using the Emmaus Bible Study course and then two hours of vocational training/shop practice time. The Emmaus course starts with study of the book of Mark and we have been really enjoying it.

Jesse also gives them homework to study specific books in the Bible and they discuss it together the following week.

For vocational/trades training, we have started with fire/shop safety, personal protective equipment and an introduction to welding.

Classes started once a week but we intend to increase to three times a week as their schedule opens up. Because they are local, these young men have jobs and family responsibilities we must work around.

Our long term goal is to be able to invite and host young Christian men from all around Mexico to learn and train in an environment where they can dedicate 100% of their time to personal spiritual growth and learn a trade. We would involve and encourage them in Bible reading, study, and being involved in local meetings and outreach work. Then also, teach them practical trades like welding, metal fabrication, carpentry, electrical, and plumbing.

Marcus and Alison C. visited in October and we were encouraged with Marcus’ ministry messages for two evenings in our town and two days in Tepic.

In November to December we had to make a trip up to Washington, USA to take care of some US paperwork. We had the opportunity to visit several local assemblies including our home assembly in Arlington, as well as Marysville, Clearview, Lynden, and Tacoma. It was wonderful to visit with many believers and our family again.

Please continue to pray for the local work of the Lord in Mexico, the asssembly in Santiago Ixcuintla, His Workmanship Academy, and our family.

Thank you for your prayers & support!